What is the Reggio Emilia Approach?

For many parents of preschool-aged children, the beginning of the school years can be scary. When your child starts going to school, it means less parent involvement in day to day learning, and more teacher-structured lessons; less play, and more work. But a growing form of early childhood education, called the Reggio Emilia approach, is turning heads with its unique take on teaching– one which makes parents, teachers, and children equal shareholders in the learning initiative.

The Reggio approach focuses on the educational importance of community and free inquiry as its primary values.

Parents and teachers will agree: it's never too soon to start giving your child a nose for knowledge and the tools to investigate the world.

Now who wants to go back to school?

Friday, April 19

A farewell Reggio

Dinner in the piazza

Below are some pictures of the Remida recycling centre, that does not mean to say everything here is recycled but donated from companies that no longer had use for them. They have been given the chance of a new life, through the minds and imaginations of Reggio children. A similar philosophy to scrap stores in the UK? Find your local scrap store here


Remida Recycling Centre

Cotton reels.

It is amazing what can be constructed with material considered as rubbish.

It's all about the presentation

One green bottle.

And not an egg in sight.
It has been an intense and somewhat emotional week. In concluding, Amelia Gambetti said, 'many people leave Reggio Emilia with more questions than when they arrived', she continued 'this is a good thing, as it means the door is left open for further communication and connection to the Reggio family.' It is just that, a family who wishes to provide their children a 'special pocket' which they can dip into in order to deal with whatever life throws at them. In the meantime, they promised to continue to tell the story of what they were doing in Reggio Emilia schools, to talk about the processes and share dreams. 

Lorris Malaguzzi once described those working in schools as 'Professionals in the art of Wonder' and it is with wonder that I leave Reggio Emilia, and a deep gratitude to all those that have shared with us. 
I hope together we can continue to grow on this shared journey filled with challenges and joy. 

We had a short time to take in some other areas that Reggio is well know for. 
Here are some pictures from the Cheese factory.

The Parmigiano-Reggiano cheese factory, can you smell it?

It takes 16 litres (4.23 gallons) of milk to make 1 kilo of cheese!
And finally, Children's thoughts on wishes and what/who can have them...

'Even a line can wish, it wishes to be drawn one day, to be given life' (Arianna 6.10 years)

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